Switching to Hugo

Welp, I switched this website from Gatsby to Hugo.

This reminds me of my distro-hoppin’ days, when I used to spend nights installing different Linux distributions and then meticulously configuring them to my liking. “Oh man, I can get so much done with this distro!”, I’d say. I spent so mush time trying to find that perfect setup, that I didn’t spend much time actually using them to get things done.

Well, I guess I haven’t changed much. After writing a single post, I decided to try something else for this website. Let’s at least talk about the notable changes in a second post…

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How I Made This Website

Hey look I have a fancy new website! 🦄🤖🚀

What you’re reading right now was built and deployed using:

  • Gatsby - A static site generator
  • GitHub Pages - Host sites from a git repository
  • GitHub Actions - Automate rebuilding the website whenever changes are pushed to master

There are plenty of resources out there explaining how to set up a website like this, but I figured it’d be nice to gather it into one how-to. I’m sure it’ll be real helpful when I forget how this all works in a few months 😅.

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